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I loved teaching, but I wasn’t sure if I could do it forever.

I also wasn’t sure I could find other jobs for teachers that I truly loved.


While I was in the classroom, I wished I could have:

  • Had the time to develop lessons that would truly engage and support all of my diverse learners. 

  • Followed a pathway that allowed me to develop my skills and grow as an educator… while not being a groomed to be an administrator.

  • Had the freedom to think outside the box and come up with innovative ways to approach education. 

  • Felt valued, both monetarily and emotionally. 

  • Had a moment to breathe…and maybe used the bathroom. (Is that too much to ask?) 

Lily Jones, former teacher and owner of Educator Forever

Hi! I’m Lily.

Today I’m a teacher career coach, working to help teachers get out of the classroom while staying in education. But not that long ago, I was working as a teacher myself.

I taught kindergarten and first grade for seven years in the San Francisco Bay Area. I LOVED teaching, but I never felt like I had enough time to spend on the things I really loved. I also felt like I never had enough money. After my first couple years of teaching, I started exploring other jobs for teachers and taking on side jobs. I began writing curriculum for a summer camp that I had worked at, then gradually got more and more education writing jobs. 

That’s when it hit me. I realized there were lots of other jobs for teachers that were still in education. I could get paid for doing the things I was already doing in my classroom - the things that I loved! I wrote content for Ed Tech companies (many of whom didn’t have educators on staff but wanted to launch educational products), developed curriculum for organizations like National Novel Writing month, and started my own summer camp. 

When I had my first child in 2012, I decided that my teacher side hustle could become my main hustle. I developed an education consulting business that allowed me the flexibility to spend time with my baby while quickly doubling my teaching income. 

In 2015, I had my second child and ran a successful Kickstarter campaign to launch a product-based business, Curiosity Pack, where I create educational activities that bring families together around joyful learning, inspiring kids to change the world. 

Through consulting and starting Curiosity Pack, I was able to triple my teaching income while spending the majority of my time with my young kids. Best of all, I was able to stay in education while expanding my impact to serve more and more teachers, families, and kids. 

Through my own journey, I realized that I wanted to help other teachers find non-teaching jobs in education. I wanted to help teachers continue their passion for education, while also gaining the flexibility, income and freedom that classroom teaching jobs don’t provide.

Now, I want to help you do the same! Teachers put so much into helping everyone else. It’s time to explore other jobs for teachers and build the life you dream of.

Are you ready to explore other jobs for teachers?

If you’re dreaming of life outside of the classroom, then today is the day to get started. No matter what you want your future to look like, there are a wide variety of career changes for teachers that can help you continue to make an impact in education. Click below to learn more.


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