How to Get Started as an Education Consultant

When I first left the classroom, I worked as an education consultant for Teaching Channel. I helped to guide the educational content of the videos they created, weighing in on the instructional moves teachers would most benefit from and working with teachers to plan lessons that we would film. It was a great way to see inside so many classrooms while using my teaching expertise in a new way.

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Banish Burnout: Tune into What You Really Want

Sometimes teacher burnout gradually builds up over time, other times it sneaks up on you suddenly and knocks you out. But feeling burnout is often a sign that you need to make a change. But how? The first step sounds obvious, but it can be harder than it seems. In order to banish burnout, you have to start by getting clear on what you really want. Follow this five-step process to find clarity and plan your next step.

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New Career Pathways for Teachers

We need teachers to write curriculum, to coach other teachers, to make education policy, to advocate for students, to stand up for teachers, to inspire radical learning, to change the landscape of education. We need teachers to do all the things they don’t have the capacity to do when they’re in the classroom.

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